*Most services are offered in one hour increments (the exceptions being Screenplay Notes and Edit Notes), whether you purchase just one session or one of our package deals. Packages range all the way from 4 hours to 104 hours, depending on which one you purchase. To inquire about any particular service(s) and and receive a quote for individual sessions and package deals, email


Over a video call, Clinton or Allen would work with you one on one. Depending on your needs, your coach could run lines with you, offer notes and guidance, discuss the craft and your approach to acting, and/or assist you with character work or scene work. I would also be available to read opposite you for self-tapes if you’d like. These would be hour-long sessions, and we could book as few or as many as you’d like. 


I would help you craft a script from whatever point you are in the writing process, whether you have an initial idea, you’ve already outlined or even written some, or you’re trying to come up with a concept for a script. I would help create a writing schedule for you and offer you accountability as well as support and constructive feedback. Depending on the number of sessions you purchase, I could effectively help you write a script all the way from conception to the final draft. 


Clinton or Allen would offer you guidance and notes on a script that you’ve already written either a full draft or at least a partial draft of. 


Whether only a scene or two has been edited, you have an assembly, or you have a fairly complete cut, Clinton or Allen would offer you guidance and notes on a film that is in some stage of post-production.


Depending on what stage you’re in with a project and where you would like their assistance, Clinton or Allen would advise you through pre-production, production, and/or post-production. If brought in during the early stages of pre-production, your coach would help you set a timeline for the project, guide you through assembling your cast and crew, help you create budgets and a shooting schedule, offer script notes if desired, and assist you in whatever ways you need throughout this crucial stage. If brought in for production, your coach would be an ally and an ear for you throughout your shoot and help you stay on task and on schedule, clear any hurdles you may encounter, and collaborate successfully with your team. If brought in during post-production, your coach would guide you through the final stage, offer edit notes if desired, and help you figure out next steps for your film.


With this service, Clinton or Allen would offer whatever assistance you would need for nurturing your creativity and your career. If you’re working on multiple projects and need someone to help you stay organized, on task, and on schedule, Clinton or Allen could do that for you. On the flipside, if you don’t have a project lined up and aren’t sure of where to go from here, your coach could help get you on the path to creating a project that will be meaningful to you or finding a project to align yourself with.